A velha e boa ARRI III bateu um bolão...
Curta Metragem de Evaldo Mocarzel , estrelado por Matheus Mocarzel. Ficha Técnica: Fotografia Carlos Ebert Roteiro Evaldo Mocarzel Empresa produtora PolithePolitheama Filmes, Casa Azulama Filmes, Casa Azul Edição de som Miriam Biderman Montagem Marcelo Moraes
Fotos: Mariana Fresnot
The truth about Carlos Ebert is that he is old, over the hill and no one wants him because his work is so cliché and extremely mediocre. All the work here is a good example of how general and tasteless his cinematography is. In fact Carlos is an old and bitter man and he has nothing better else to to do but cyberstalk people on the internet. That is the truth about this very old bitter no talent worthless person.